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7 ways to be Eco-Friendly

 7 ways to be Eco-Friendly


“The Greatest Threat to Our Planet Is the Belief That Someone Else Will Save It” -Robert Sawan

Being Eco-friendly is like a true bonding with nature. As we know today's scenario of our environmental condition is so much worst. Now, it’s time to be aware of our environmental condition.

There is one of the most important things is balancing between human and their environment. Balancing when existing between both of them then it is easy to maintain all the things that are existing surrounding us.

Being Eco-friendly, being a protector of the environment. Here are some ways to become eco-friendly -

1. By Planting More Trees

“To Plant Trees Is to Give Body and Life to One’s Dreams of a Better World”-Russell Page

Plants play a role in our lives and our environments too. Plants are necessary for nature, biodiversity, and human beings. Growing plants improve the absorption of carbon dioxide in our environment, which is the solution to many problems related to our environment like global warming, ozone depletion, etc.

Plants improve the quality of air. They are needed to breathe because they release oxygen from their leaves. So, planting more trees is a part of eco-friendly.

2. By Conserving Water

“We Never Know the Worth of Water till The Well Is Dry- Thomas Fuller

Conserving water is the protection of the hydrosphere. water is the basic need of our life; without water, we can’t imagine the existence of life on earth. It is a basic need. Today, due to our modernization and urbanization lifestyle we pollute all the potable water, and we need a purification process for the drinking water.

All our surrounding water becomes toxic that is not suitable for living organisms. A drop of water is so precious, never waste it. So, save water, and ultimately save a life.

3. By Walk More

“We Have Forgotten How to Be Good Guests, How to Walk Lightly on The Earth as Its Other Creatures Do”- Barbara Word

Transportation is a part of life. Imports and exports are part of our economy. During transportation, we use fossil fuels that are the grass root of air pollution.

The solution is to burnt fossil fuel only when we need it, without any requirement for combustion of fossil fuel that becomes the major part of greenhouse gases. Mostly use those fuels which are eco-friendly by nature and not causes air pollution like biofuels which are eco-friendly fuels, not show any participation in air pollution.

Where there is no need for a vehicle we can walk. Like “Two Birds with one stone”, by walking we can improve our health and environmental issues too.

4. By Using Renewable Sources of Energy

“Alternative Energy Is a Future Idea Whose Time Is Past, Renewable Energy Is a Future Idea Whose Time Has Come -Bill Penden

Renewable sources of energy are those sources of energy that can’t be finished. So, this type of source of energy always exists in our nature. The use of alternate sources of energy plays a role in improving the health of our environment which is very essential for future generations.

5. By Doing a Safe Work Environment

“It’s People Working Together to Create a Safe Work Environment”-Kevin Collins

Do that work that is beneficial for our environment, don’t do that which causes harm to our environment. Like when we research new things that should be eco-friendly. Use our natural resources wisely which should be safe for nature and our environment.

Doing safe work that would be environmentally safe. Hence safe work, safe our environment.

6. By Reducing Plastic Use

“We Make So Many Things That Don’t Require the Longevity That Plastic Has -We Don’t Need a Straw That We Will Use to Sip One Drink That Will Stay in The Environment Forever”-Heidi Taylor

The use of plastic is very dangerous that may cause biomagnification that is not suitable for our environment balancing cycle. Plastic shows are toxic to our nature that is not fit for our life.

Plastic by nature is non-biodegradable that is not degraded by microorganisms that are present in the soil, so decomposition of this type of plastic on soil leads to land pollution that is not safe for the food chain. By using less use of plastic, we become eco-friendly.

7. By Reduce Pollutants

“Environmental Pollution Is an Incurable Disease. It Can Only Be Prevented”-Barry Commoner

Pollutants are those which cause pollution to our environment and degrade the quality of air, water, and soil. The existence of pollutants in our environment is not fit and safe for our nature. Use those things that are pollutants free.

By using the above-mentioned 7 ways we will become a nature lovers and eco-friendly. So, plant more trees, save water, reduce plastic use, walk more, reduce pollution, and do a safe work environment.

“One Of The First Conditions of Happiness Is That the Link Between Man and Nature Shall Not Be Broken “-Leo Tolstoy

If we want our children to enjoy the beauty of nature and use the benefits of natural resources then there is a need to protect our environment and become eco-friendly which helps to sort out all the crisis that our environment face.

There is a need to protect our environment if we protect our environment Simultaneously, we protect our future generations too.

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