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Which milk is good for our health, “Hot or cold milk”?

  Which milk is good for our health, “Hot or cold milk”? (Are the qualities of taking any form of milk the same?) Photo/Unsplash  M ilk is consumed at every stage of life, from infancy to old age. It plays a crucial role in our balanced diet, providing a bundle of essential nutrients. Milk is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, particularly calcium. Drinking a glass of milk each day can help improve various health issues. Milk is a nutrient-rich liquid food contains water. Protein, lactose, sugar, fiber, carbs, and fat. It contains vitamins ( mainly vitamin D ) and minerals (Potassium, Calcium)that are essential for our growth and development. Consumption of milk either directly or in the form of milk products like cheese, curd, etc. is a very common part of our daily life. Milk is a major part of a diet. Milk is a natural product and its byproducts are synthesized in Dairy industries. Milk has benefits in controlling osteoporosis and blood pressure. However, the effects of
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Drug addiction’s harmful effects never choose age and gender

  Drug addiction’s harmful effects never choose age and gender  (The drug affects everyone differently) Photo/Unsplash  D rug addiction is a harmful habit that affects the human body, regardless of age or gender. Consumption of drugs without a prescription has detrimental effects and can lead to death. The addiction to drugs never chooses age and gender the effects of addiction to drug act differently. Prenatal Drug Exposure When a pregnant woman takes narcotic drugs, it poses significant risks to the health of the fetus. These risks can lead to various long-term effects on the newborn baby. Some of the health issues related to drug use during pregnancy include: Photo/Unsplash  Premature babies Potential damage to the fetus The child may be born with a Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) The child may be born with Fetal Alcohol Effects (FAE) The child may be born with Alcohol-Related Neurodevelopmental Disorder ( ARND) Shows many physical deformities Reduced cognitive function Increased risk

Dead Man’s Finger

  Dead Man’s Finger Xylaria Polymorpha: Saprobic Fungus Photo/Unsplash “ Plants and mushrooms have intelligence and they want us to take care of the environment. They want to communicate that to us in a way we can understand .”-Paul Stamets Fungi are eukaryotic organisms that include microorganisms such as yeasts, molds, and mushrooms. They can be classified into four divisions as follows: 1. Chytridiomycota (Chytrids) 2. Zygomycota (Bread molds) 3. Ascomycota (Yeasts and sac fungi) 4. Basidiomycota (Club fungi) Some fungi are capable of causing superficial, cutaneous, subcutaneous, or systemic diseases. Dead Man’s Fingers Xylaria polymorpha, Dead Man’s Fingers, is a saprobic fungus commonly found in forests on decaying wood, injured trees, stumps, and woodland areas. It resembles burned wood and is polymorphic, existing in many forms. The scientific classification of Xylaria Polymorpha is shown below- Scientific classification of Xylaria Polymorpha Domain: Eukaryota Kingdom: Fungi Div

AI in Biotechnology

  AI in Biotechnology  Role of AI in the Biotechnology Field  Photo/ Unsplash T oday’s cutting-edge tool is AI, shorts for Artificial Intelligence , which is used in various applications and can be defined as intelligence exhibited in a complex system. The role of AI in machines is to take intelligent actions to maximize their chances of achieving defined goals. Alan Turing was the first person to conduct substantial research in the field that he called Machine Intelligence . Nowadays high profile applications like Google Search, YouTube, Amazon, Google Assistant, Apple Intelligence, AI art, etc. all include and are embedded with applications of AI.  The role of AI in influencing society and the economy is evident through increased automation, data-driven decision-making, and its impact on job markets, healthcare, education, and various industries. “Now, let’s discuss the role of AI in the various fields of biotechnology.” Role of AI in the field of Biotechnology : In biotechnology,

Earthly Sky Glow

  Earthly Sky Glow (Light Pollution: Introduction, Types, Causes, Effects, and Prevention) Photo/Unsplash   “Environmental pollution is an incurable disease. It can only be prevented”– Barry Commoner.   Pollution involves introducing harmful materials, known as pollutants, into the environment. This pollution can cause damage to the quality of our environment, leading to degradation and environmental crises. Pollutants can result from human activities or natural disasters. In this article, we will discuss light pollution. Light is electromagnetic radiation that can be perceived by the human eye to see an object. Light shows interaction with matters that helped shape the structure of the universe. Excess of everything is bad because, as we know, "too much greed is not good." The excessive use of artificial light sources during the day and night causes pollution. It acts as a pollutant, causing light pollution that harms our environment." Light Pollution T

List of 17 Enzymes with their function that are used in recombinant DNA technology /Genetic Engineering

  List of 17 Enzymes with their function that are used in recombinant DNA technology /Genetic Engineering     1.      Alkaline phosphatase : This enzyme helps to remove the phosphate groups from 5’-ends of double and single standard DNA and RNA. It also helps prevent re-circularization during cloning and dephosphorylate DNA before Kinase labeling protocols. 2.   Terminal Transferase : Enzyme very useful in homopolymer tailing. It helps to add nucleotides to the 3’ends of DNA or RNA. This enzyme is used as a template for a primer in subsequent PCR. 3.      Bal 31 nuclease : In DNA technology this enzyme is used to degrade both 3’ and 5’ termini of duplex DNA without generating any internal scissions. In short, this enzyme is used for the progressive shortening of DNA. 4.     S1nuclease : It is an endonuclease enzyme that helps to degrade single-standard DNA and RNA but can’t degrade double-standard DNA or RNA-DNA hybrids. 5.      DNA Ligase : In DNA replication, the DNA

Punjab Dessert with benefits of Jaggery (“KUCH MITHA HO JAYE”)

  Punjab Dessert with benefits of Jaggery (“KUCH MITHA HO JAYE”) Source of Image:   P unjab has a variety of food cultures. The main traditional Punjabi food is Sarson da saag with Makki di roti, Papad, Lassi, dal makhni, and lots of jaggery desserts. Many traditional dishes are prepared during the festive season. In Punjab, there is a tradition to serve dessert with lots of love in the form of “KUCH MITHA HO JAYE” after the meal. The culture of Punjab is the richest in the world.  In the Punjab sweet confections, mostly jaggery played an important role due to its beneficial point of view. Jaggery is known by different names in different places like- In India (Gur), Colombia (Panela), Mexico (Piloncillo), Costa Rica (Tapa dulce), Thailand (Namtan tanode), Malaysia (Gula Melaka), Japan (Kokuto). A half cup of jaggery contains: (source: ·        Calories -383 ·        Fat- 0.1 grams ·